A recent survey commissioned by AOL suggests that a quarter of broadband users regularly upload content to the web and have personal sites!

5 Million+ UK homes have broadband now and that number is growing fast with the on-going price wars over broadband.

The report found that more than half of those with broadband logged on to the web before breakfast and one in five even admitted to getting up in the middle of the night to browse the web!

“Broadband is putting the ‘me’ in media as it shifts power from institutions and into the hands of the individual,” said John Craig, co-author of the Demos report.

“From self-diagnosis to online education, broadband creates social innovation that moves the debate beyond simple questions of access and speed.”

According to Nielsen//NetRatings more than half of the 22.8 million UK net users regularly accessing the web from home each month are logging on at high speed (they also spend twice as long online than dial-up users and view an average of nearly one and half thousand web pages per month!).