Setting up a Windows computer the easy way! Ninite

I say the easy way, is there any such thing where computers are concerned? Murphy’s Law generally applies! However I have found something that does make it easier… I recently had to wipe and reinstall my wife’s laptop, but this works equally well...

iTunes.exe Missing

I had a strange one today, I haven’t loaded iTunes for a while (my iPod holds most of the stuff I want to listen to), but my son needs some party music for his first birthday. So I loaded iTunes and the shorcut referenced a location that no longer exists?! A...

Changing WordPress Permalink Structure!

If you can see this, all has gone well – if you can’t I’m probably talking to myself (nothing unusual there!!). My current permalink structure has not sat well with me for the last year or so, it’s kind of thrown together and doesn’t look...

3 Spam Comments!

I normally login to my admin site to find “Spam: 3,472” comments (or some such other high and random number!!). Confession time. I broke my blog last week whilst doing an upgrade (trying to auto-upgrade post suPHP being activated may have been a mistake) and...