Gravity Forms: Submission Timestamp

We recently purchased Gravity Forms for doing some client projects and it’s fantastic… I thought I’d got everything I need but there was one thing it didn’t do that really surprised me, in the notification emails there was no way of getting the...

Changing WordPress Permalink Structure!

If you can see this, all has gone well – if you can’t I’m probably talking to myself (nothing unusual there!!). My current permalink structure has not sat well with me for the last year or so, it’s kind of thrown together and doesn’t look...

3 Spam Comments!

I normally login to my admin site to find “Spam: 3,472” comments (or some such other high and random number!!). Confession time. I broke my blog last week whilst doing an upgrade (trying to auto-upgrade post suPHP being activated may have been a mistake) and...

Posting YouTube Videos (Again!)

You may remember many moons ago, I posted about what a bind it could be to put YouTube videos into WordPress Blogs (because WordPress got all excitable and corrected the HTML). Today I discovered a post from Caroline about a plugin that does the job! Wassup Rockers...

Reading Material

I like a good book as much as the next man, in fact sometimes more so – Emma nearly shot me on holiday when I was reading just over a book per day! – Thank goodness for our resort in the Dominican Republic’s extensive library! buy The Ant Bully photo...