OK I promised some of you an update and it’s easier to do it all as one. I’m now on even more of a mission about this!

Went to get my results yesterday – they’ve confirmed it was Testicular Cancer and that it made sense to remove it (if I’d gone through all that for nothing, I’m quite sure a doctor would have been asked to pick a window to leave from even though we were on the third floor!!). I’m up and walking about now, even managing to drive and should be back at work a week today. There’s still things I can’t do, and lifting is a no-no – which is a real pain in the butt when you’re moving house!! Luckily I think I’ve cornered a few people into helping out!

So, the waiting game now continues – CT scan in the next week or so to check for spreading, an appointment with an Oncologist and then regular checkups and chat’s with Macmillan Nurse’s I suspect. Emma went on a mission to find the Gillette Blueboy campaign yesterday, turns out the Cancer Research shop were clueless, and Britannia building society were little help. But Jewson’s the builders merchants seem to be still supporting it with the badges.

I’m going to dump all of this on a blog post somewhere for people that are interested at some point, when my heads a bit more together I suspect!! Obviously written with my evil sense of humour! So if anyone wants to see that, let me know!

Take care all, and keep checking!!!!!