Side Hustle Sunday!

(If this works I might make a regular feature of it…) There was a time when the “Side Hustle” was very much a term used by the Geeks who were working on their own projects outside of work time (mostly to fund even more tech purchases ?). My web...

Are we all five?

.!. Clearly work think everyone is a five year old again! This is also a test of emailing to Posterous! I made this post from posterous, a new service I’m testing – let me know what you think! Posted via email from keiron’s...

That Boy Dilbert – He Gets Everywhere!

Chris Bailey recently pointed out a post by Jodee Bock, about being happy in your work, and that almost everyone can relate to Dilbert in one form of another (it what’s gives Scott Adams so much material to work with!!). I work in cubeland so Dilbert is a...