Testing postie!

If this works I should have managed to post to the WordPress Category in my blog. This isn’t setup as a cron job yet as I want to test it thoroughly first!!!

Moblogging with wp-mail.php

I’ve fancied doing this for sometime, the ability to forward stuff via email to my blog will prove really useful – but even more important was the ability to add some photos via email! According to the WordPress Plugins page, John Blade’s plugin was...

Deepest Sender Blogging from Firefox

Often I don’t blog about something, because it’s just too much effort to navigate away from the page, open my blog up – type a post and then add some witty comment about how useful the tool is / how the website made me laugh etc. etc. That is about...

Comment Spam

I seem to be coming in as a target for comment spam – I’m going to enable Akismet today and see if that helps!

Search Box

I recently discussed the search box not working on the second search, turns out that this is probably due to my .htaccess rules for mod rewrite, but as I can’t face rewriting them, I’ve just edited sidebar.php, so that instead of submitting to...