Comments Bite Back!

I registered with backtype the other day. I quite like it as a way of seeing where I’m commenting and on what! Speed movie Matt pointed out that he couldn’t see the point of it, but I quite like the idea of using their widget to show other people what...

To All Commentors & Lurkers!

The Lion King 1½ ipod Apparently all commentors fit into categories (via Alexia), which are you? Also if you lurk here and read but don’t comment – what would make you comment (and which category would you belong in!?!?).

Editing Spam

I read an interesting post today by Lorelle at WordPress (now given the article Lorelle wrote that will sound just like spam, but it’s not….. Lorelle makes a really interesting point in her article). The interesting point isn’t about the spam,...

Timesaving: Commenting within Google Reader

I never realised how much time you could save if you could comment on a blog directly within Google Reader….. Think about it – no more opening up 72 tabs, commenting, remembering which ones to close etc etc. With the amount of items in my reader I really,...

Showing some Luv!

I’ve installed CommentLuv here today, to reward my comment authors more (particularly now the comment policy is in force and I feel perfectly happy about blowing away any comments that are spammy or I don’t like! 😉 ) We all love comments, but CommentLuv...