3 Spam Comments!

I normally login to my admin site to find “Spam: 3,472” comments (or some such other high and random number!!). Confession time. I broke my blog last week whilst doing an upgrade (trying to auto-upgrade post suPHP being activated may have been a mistake) and...

Auntie Spam’s Gone Away!

I’m a big fan of Auntie Spam for cleaning out all the rubbish that Akismet collects, but this appears to be something that no longer works in the 2.7 upgrade – I just hope someone updates the greasemonkey script!

Auntie Spam

.!.I’m always loathed to just click the “Delete All” in my Akismet Spam box – just in case there’s something there I really would like to read, or even edit to make into quality content. However I really can’t face piling through...

Comment Spam

I seem to be coming in as a target for comment spam – I’m going to enable Akismet today and see if that helps!